Saturday 27 August 2011

A short, musical decline into self-pity

I am going to attempt to learn how to play 'Hang You Up' by Yellowcard on the guitar. Not that newsworthy at first glance. However, I am attempting to do so: a) not being able to play the guitar, b) on my sister's old, out of tune guitar, c) for the CU acoustic night on the 28th September. I think I may fail...
I really wish I  could play the guitar. To be able to just play a song that says what I want to say would be amazing. I really hate the thought of having to rely on other people to accompany me whilst I sing said song, it makes it feel less personal. I doubt I have the patience to teach myself, however as none of my guitar-playing friends seem to be willing to teach me (minus Rachel- cheers! It was fun :) ) I will try.

At some point in my life (hopefully soon) I will learn the guitar. Then maybe I'll feel less inadequate around musically-talented/ taught people. Maybe I'd be worthy enough to be in SD. *sigh* now I'm declining into self-pity. I WILL LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR. I WILL. Whether I can do so in time for the acoustic night is yet to be determined.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

The Sound of You and Me

Know this please
I will not forget the sound of you and me when we were friends

Someday everything ends
Can't we begin finding a way back before we're too late
And lost in between the truth and the dream
I've never been more ready to move on

I have decided I have had enough. I've had enough of people who make me feel like I'm not good enough and like it's too much to ask to ask them to give a damn (being fair, sometimes not their fault. Occasionally.) Maybe I am expecting too much to start off with, and for some of the time I think that's to blame for this feeling. Other times, on the other hand, are definitely worth my feeling hurt and angry. When someone can't make an effort ever, and then, when called on it, can't even try and fix it, like a real friend would, and just leave me feeling guilty because I think I expect too much. I don't think a friend should make you feel like you don't have an right to ask them to make time for you. I have put up with too many of this because I really wanted to be close to that person. In the end, it just hurts too much. So, I'm going to stop chasing after those people. I'll let you know how that goes...

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Happiness is not a destination

Ok, so I stole this from OTH, but you can get some good life lessons from it:
(paraphrasing a little, my memory's not that good)
Happiness is a mood, like hunger or tiredness. Too many people view it as a destination: if I get this, do that, meet the right person, then, then I will be happy. They forget that, as a mood, it can come and go. So they don't look for the little everyday moments of happiness. When you do, you realise just how many there are.
Question: Is it ok to feel miserable sometimes?
Answer: Is it ok to feel hungry sometimes?
Just as you eat when you're hungry, when you're miserable find some 'happiness food'. It probably won't 'fill you up' with happiness in the same way as eating fills you up (if only it were that easy...), but, speaking for myself, I find that actively doing something/spending time with people who make me happy takes the edge off whatever it is I'm moping about. It also reminds me that life isn't all that bad. It might be a bit crappy sometimes, but all in all life is beautiful. Appreciate every moment of happiness. Never forgo your little moments of everyday happiness for a 'someday I will be happy'.
Happiness is a state, not a destination.