Tuesday 23 August 2011

Happiness is not a destination

Ok, so I stole this from OTH, but you can get some good life lessons from it:
(paraphrasing a little, my memory's not that good)
Happiness is a mood, like hunger or tiredness. Too many people view it as a destination: if I get this, do that, meet the right person, then, then I will be happy. They forget that, as a mood, it can come and go. So they don't look for the little everyday moments of happiness. When you do, you realise just how many there are.
Question: Is it ok to feel miserable sometimes?
Answer: Is it ok to feel hungry sometimes?
Just as you eat when you're hungry, when you're miserable find some 'happiness food'. It probably won't 'fill you up' with happiness in the same way as eating fills you up (if only it were that easy...), but, speaking for myself, I find that actively doing something/spending time with people who make me happy takes the edge off whatever it is I'm moping about. It also reminds me that life isn't all that bad. It might be a bit crappy sometimes, but all in all life is beautiful. Appreciate every moment of happiness. Never forgo your little moments of everyday happiness for a 'someday I will be happy'.
Happiness is a state, not a destination.

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